Fundamental Exercises

The Fundamental Exercises are a great way to lightly warm up the body for the day as well as conditioning for people in pain or uncomfortable. A daily exercise routine need not take a lot of time and can be as simple as doing 5 – 8 exercises each morning:

The fundamental program I recommend for everyone includes

Knee Slides
Knee Folds / Knee Changes
Knees Side to Side
Chest Lifts
Chest Lifts with Rotation
Side Leg Lifts
Back Extension
Childs Pose
These exercises are simple, but they can also be varied to accommodate your needs. Lets do a break down

Heel Slides:

Lie on your back with both knees bent, otherwise relaxed. Straighten one leg along the floor. Pull back on your foot as much as you can (Dorsi Flexion). Now drag your heel along the floor bringing the knee as deep into flexion as you can, then press the heel out getting the leg as straight as you can along the floor. I like to use the image of digging a trench with your heel. Repeat 5 times then do the other leg. The whole time check in with your pelvis that it is staying absolutely still, this requires stabilizing with the abdominals.
The focus here is to drag the heel in with your hamstrings (back of the leg) and use the same muscle to push it back out. When the leg is extended you should feel the quad (front of the leg) fire.


Lie on your back in the Hook Lying Position. Knees bent, hip width apart – feet flat on the floor also hip width. Establish neutral pelvis and engage core: There are a number of cues to engage core, I like to think of Kathleen Stanford Grants Song. Now you can either push into the feel to lift your hips or you can tuck the pelvis and articulate your spine off the floor, hold 5 seconds then roll back down. The focus is your core, hamstrings, inner and outer thighs and the core muscles of the spine. This is a big help for those that are experiencing back pain.

Knee Folds // Knee Changes

Start in Hook Lying Position: Exhale and lift one leg off the floor, inhale lower it back down – Repeat 5 times then switch to other leg
Alternating Knee Folds or Marches: Exhale lift one leg, inhale with no movement and on the exhale change legs – Repeat 5 times.  Leg Lifts and Leg Changes

Knees Side to Side:

Hold the knees over the hips in a table top position. On an inhale let the legs rotate from the waist to one side, use the exhale to draw the legs back to center. Alternate side to side – Repeat 5 times

Chest Lifts:

Interlace the fingers behind the head: with an exhale lengthen through the crown of the head and focus on using the abs to float the chest up. Careful to maintain your posture as you lengthen the head to keep the focus on lifting with the abs and not using the neck. Repeat 5 times

Chest Lifts with Rotation:

Stay lifted on the last Chest Lift. Now as you inhale visualize the air going into one lung lifting that side and generating a rotation to the other side. Exhale as you draw the abs to the center and repeat to the other side. An inhalation facilitates a rotation – you should twist better. Repeat 5 times to each side.

Side Leg Lifts:
Follow Link for a video——>
Lie on your side maintaining neutral posture. On an exhale engage core and lengthen and lift both legs from the floor – the work is your abdominals top side. – Repeat 5 times, then roll over and do the other side.

Back Extension:

Lying on your belly hands by your side, on an inhale slide the shoulders down the back and lift your shoulders, neck and head from the floor, exhale as you come back down. REpeat 5 times.

Childs pose:

Finish with a rest.
Some of these exercises you may need instruction from a teacher, but once you have the basics you should have no problem performing the exercises on your own. Once you are down with it you should get through the routine in about 12 to 15 minutes. A small price to have a healthy back and strong core.

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